TONIGHT! Old School Cool Night, March 5th, 7:30 - 10:30 pm

Blast! I really wanted to go to this event and bring along my UK BBC Micro from 1982… complete with cassette tapes, 5.25" floppy disks and BBC joysticks. This is a rare machine in North America but it (and the ZX Spectrum) were at the forefront of the home computer boom in the UK during the 1980s.

Alas I have a prior engagement :frowning:

Hopefully this event will run again in the not too distant future.

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Attention old-school people! Tonight is the night to bring your pre-1990 electronics, phones, cameras, gaming systems, sewing machines, toys, stone-age tools, and any other fun gadgets from the past. Join us for a fun night of playing, show and tell, and hanging out at VHS. So grab your phonograph or 18K computer and come on down! Bonus points to anyone wearing clothing from the 1980s or brave enough to drink Old Vienna beer. Modern beer also acceptable. BYOB!

What will be the oldest item brought? Find out, tonight!

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I was really looking forward to this but don’t think I can justify the trip because of schoolwork.

It’s also hard but not impossible to carry an IBM on a motorcycle.

Please take lots of pictures and share them!

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So how was the turnout? Worth repeating the event sometime?
I’d like to coerce my boss to come out and bring a computer out of his basement collection that belongs in a museum.

There’s the museum material stuff which is cute but then there’s this other category, lets call it “failure to gain or maintain traction?”
For things that made sense and perhaps still make sense but didn’t work out.

Personally I’m fond of the monochrome PDA’s with graffiti v.1.
Power bars with toggle switches for each outlet
(Sega Dreamcast)

Those are two I still use, you could probably fill a book with good old technology that failed due to lack of mass appeal or because of litigation (Japanese motorbikes over 700cc? in the eighties were really hampered by litigation).

Hey! The turn out was low but great. The people who came brought some very awesome stuff including old computers, gaming systems, and other things. Some games of Ms Pacman, Pitfall, and Qbert were played on the big screen and other people battled killer slugs in the game Out of this World running on an Amiga. Lots of old timey things were there including a rotary dial phone, a gieger counter, a Perfection game that I could not defeat, a very old medal from a famous horse race, and various cameras, calculators, and a slide rule. We should definitely do it again, perhaps with a more specific theme.

Pics from the night coming tomorrow! (dealing with a fried laptop right now)