Setting up a Screen Printing System For You

No worries. I just want to make it clear that I am totally ok with getting rid of the equipment. I got it for cheap and already recovered my cost. But i think having a full setup and the well tuned and functional will provide more value for both VHS and I.


Reading this thread, makes me wonder if it would be possible for us to install a sink in the messy room? I’m assuming that it would be useful for things like washing paint brushes and silkscreens. I imagine that pipes could be run through the wall under the stairs, then through the bathroom wall. Anyway, it’s just a thought.


Just to clairify, the “Table” @yeungx is talking about is the 2’ x 4’ desk-style table on locking casters that’s been living at the north end of the main work table. It’s easy to get it out of the way.

This is very much a small “c” consensus decision, @Majicj because it’s something that can be easily undone and does not carry a risk of irreversible negative effects. @yeungx has done a good job of consulting with the group to get that consensus, has kept the group informed at every stage, has concrete plans for training and access, and has an exit plan in the event that it’s not a good fit. It’s textbook, and we should be encouraging this, because it sets a good precedent.

VHS is a member-run do-ocracy, and we cite Noisebridge’s definition of it in our FAQ. admin:do-ocracy [Vancouver Hack Space] I’ve looked for the policy you’re citing, @Majicj, and I can’t find it. Can you cite your source, please?

@JohnC I agree that a sink in the paint room would be awesome. I want to do a paint trap. I think it will be a new year thing because I imagine that will require a permit?


“as long as it can be undone in 4 hours” used to be the old mantra, but things have probably changed since then.


I like that as a guideline a lot, still


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