Reflow Oven Kit for VHS - TILT

Woooo Hooo! Can’t wait to try it out! Thank you for all your work in putting this together!


Thanks @packetbob - you are a wonder! And thanks for the loaner oven which
many of us have used. It’s given me my intro to stencilpaste/over reflow
work - super fun!


Awesome, you do high quality work. A great asset for VHS

A VHS success story. Awesome work!

Shoutout to @TomKeddie for the seed money to start this project that he raised via his VHS SMD workshops and also to @iMakeRobots ++, @mirong and @lukecyca for their contributions to the Tilt. Total $'s raised for this project was $325.

And of course non of this would have happened without @packetbob and his awesome build!

You guys rock!

Looking forward to cooking some boards!

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