Plastic prying tools source?

What’s your favorite source of plastic prying tools/safe opening tools, similar to this?

I’d like a couple pry tools, picks, and spudgers, because they get used up and abraded through use, but I’ve only found them individually, or in combination with screwdrivers, etc. I don’t need.

I usually get them with parts and such. Maybe this would be a cool exercise for the new plastic injection molder that people are building.

Also note, we have a small set of spudgers/security screws at the space that I donated awhile back in case you need one, but yes, they get worn.

Lately I’ve been using a metal palette knife (like one for painting) - works really well. If I was stranded on a desert island, this would be in my must-have kit. :smiley:

guitar picks? they might work

Also expired credit cards are great.

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