Hello everyone! In discussions with Andrew Hendriks I was hoping I could host the next DIYbio Vancouver / Open Science Network presentation/event at the VHS. I am a member of the VHS and the event will be completely open to any member or non-member interested in attending.
After a few successful events and talks, the OSN (opensciencenet.org) is entering a new phase of activity and local presence. As a result we are planning a number of events to maintain this interest which so far includes some collaborations (some having occurred, others being planned) with organizations like Innovation Labs, Makerlabs, Science World and the UBC Aquarium. Because of our shared vision we hope that the VHS can become an integral part of that list and we can help each other out, having hackspace members able to benefit from the learning/workshops of the OSN and DIYbio, and have our members/attendees introduced to what the hackspace offers.
The first workshop I have in the works will be discussing the relevance and methods of creating open hardware devices for different types of sensors related to biology, health and environment. Using a basic open hardware model, I will present my own past work in creating sensors while working in an Environmental Health lab @ UBC, and how I hope to open this up to more open/diy models and community participation and creation.
We have a number of other ideas in the works - both as follow-ups to this and other bio/science-lab related techniques and modes of hands-on knowledge.
We were looking at something perhaps towards the end of this month. Any suggestions or comments are extremely welcome, thank you very much for reading!
This is exciting and fits well with my interests. I would love to help in
anyway I can.
Do you need any equipment or resources for your night?
Do you have a button liner? (a key members who will open and close the
night for you)
Also as a member you can book the space on any non Tuesday, non occupied
night for an events like this. This is exactly the kind of events we want
to see at the space.
Steven, great news! It’s always super helpful to get more bottom liner
offers and re: hardware to enter a conversation on how that could work
would be really fantastic. I will backchannel you privately - anyone who
is available/interested in helping we seriously are open to that (a lot of
these projects like this one have an especially high component of both
electrical engineering, coding, and central hackspace topics) - you can
email me at xoxoxcom@gmail.com. We would love further involvement and
collaboration - this is indeed one of the key goals of these earlier talks
we plan (intro to topics, projects, their ideas and technical basics - but
also an invitation to get involved, to take an integral part and to mold
what those projects become (or helm/create your own ones etc))
Alchemist, that’s awesome! Feel free to backchannel me at xoxoxcom@gmail.com (as should anyone) if you want to get involved at all or for any questions etc. I should note too that that’s the Vancouver Aquarium mentioned in the first message.
Janet and Jan - great news! Really happy with the interest and response
this has gotten. I/we are currently doing some preparations/groundwork, so
possibly an April time frame for this to begin. I had a great conversation
with Steven/funvill during a recent open house, where he talked about maybe
having sensor arduino workshops concurrently to focus on technical skills,
where our presentation will be more about the ideas/philosophy couples with
the reasons for doing it and the possibilities it creates. More really
soon, thank you!