New Project idea: DIY SteadiCam

So I recently got more into filming, I even got a second hand glide cam that works pretty well. But As i built the rig up, it is getting really heavy for me to hold to a long time. Now normal people would argue that I need to get off my ass and work out before my limb turn to vestigial organs, but I say ain’t no one got time for that. So I am planning to build a steadicam vest and Arm.

For those that don’t know, a steadicam is this,255,255&fit=bounds&height=521&width=521&canvas=521:521

In honesty it seems like a fairly straight forward manufacturing project. I found this full build guide here, which seems like a pretty good place to start.

I am thinking of using some of the aluminum screen printing screens that I am going to recycle as the main frame, and I already bought a child carrier as the bases for the vest.

I am wondering if anyone has any experience making something like this that would shed some insight into this project, and anyone who would like to jump into this project with me.


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