Looking for a Used Iphone or Andriod with a Good Camera

I am looking for a used Iphone or Andriod with a Good Camera for my wife to use on Wifi only.

Define good camera? My old T-mobile G2 still regularly takes much better
pictures under many circumstances than my moderm Android and IOS devices :frowning:

She had a Iphone 5 and she liked that camera. It was great until she
dropped it. :frowning:
I have not been able to fix it yet.
The camera needs to be easy to use and good enough quality for facebook /
google photo uploads.

Ahh iphone5, what’s your budget for replacement device?

Might be cheaper to just get the iPhone5 fixed. There’s a good place on
Broadway near MEC on the north side of the street that I’ve had good success
with when my wife’s iPhone5 got broken.

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