Interest Check - Photography Workshops

Thought I’d do a bit of an informal interest check before I go further with planning.

I’ve talked to a few people about running some photo workshops at VHS. There’d be a fee, which I’d use to buy some lighting gear for the space.

Workshop would focus on some basic product type photography (take good photos of your projects!) and some basic portrait lighting. I have some radio triggers I’d be donating to the space to go with the lights.

My initial thought would be two workshops, on a weekend.

I’ve run this kind of thing before, back in my university photography club days, hope it might go over well at VHS.

The equipment you’d need would be a camera with manual control modes, and either a standard Hot Shoe, an flash with a “no metering” mode, or another way to manually trigger flashes from your camera. Virtually any DSLR will work, many compact cameras will work.

Some examples of this kind of thing:

Strobes have major advantages for control and capabilities, but are a bit pricey - It’s looking like $500+ for the setup I’d like to get for VHS, and we can definitely make that better with any additional funds.

I’d probably set the workshop at around $50.

If there’s enough interest, I’ll come up with some real numbers, and figure out a way to make it happen. Are you interested?


I would definitely be interested in a photography workshop!

Interested ++

I would be very into this!


Tangentially related, but a photo post-processing workshop might go over well too if someone was confident in running one