Free plants at VHS!

As is tradition (started by @Baptiste and @Jarrett back at Cook St)…I have left some plant cuttings as well as some small succulents down at the space. Please help yourself to some. Here’s what is there on the front tables. I’ll be in on Thursday and will clear away any remaining.

These are all hard to kill and are great houseplants.

  1. Golden Pothos
  2. Marble Pothos
  3. Neon Pothos
  4. Heartleaf Philodendron
  5. Burro’s tail succulent (full plants - I propagated these)
  6. Jellybean succulent (also propagated)

If you have any plant clippings you want to share with VHS or are interested in plant propagation let me know.

Also - what houseplant should I propagate next? So far we have done spider plants, pothos, ficus…


Oh, nice. So two minutes ago, I just took some cuttings of my Mojito Mint, that has been impossible to kill and been with me in some form for over two years, and now owns a a couple planters at home, and a fairly large portion of my backyard (because it’s a preferable weed to the old ones that inhabited it). I can bring them in at some point when they grow roots, they are my second favourite mint.

My Corsican Mint is still not ready to be split off yet after being planted in July or so - The hope was to have a fragrant moss-like plant to take over my yard, but it’s not nearly as weedlike as I was hoping.

I have some well-rooted cuttings of my iceberg ivy and spider plant, I should bring them in. I brought in some spider plant last year to Cook, but it died quite quickly due a combination of to me not having an autowatering system, not communicating (or caring, really) about watering needs, and the distinct lack of windows. Last time I was at VHS, y’all had done some amazing work on the window situation, and my watering set up could potentially be okay with a small amount of work, so I might try that again. The intention was that it will help with laser cutter odors, as well as general hackspace odors. That, along with my Golden Pothos basically eliminated the 70s funk my apartment had, after unsuccessfully battling it for a year or two before that with air fresheners and open windows.


Nice! I would fully support more plants in the space. I killed the spider plant you gave me…cats may have been involved.

If you need rooting powder for anything it’s in my tote - help yourself!

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Oh yeah, and I think most of the attendees killed their ficus cutting, but mine has done pretty well. Action shot:

Google Photos


i’d like one of the Jellybean succulent plants.

I still have my leafy green thing from Steve R. It’s doing well.


Wow! That looks so good! Please help yourself to the succulents.

@Majicj I think it’s a dwarf snake plant

I have another I will bring down if anyone wants it.


I also have another rose plant which I will plant outside in the spring


I had to hack back my crazy plant again. Does anyone want clippings? I have these rooting in water. Will bring in if anyone is interested.

  1. Golden Pothos
  2. Marble Pothos
  3. Neon Pothos
  4. Heartleaf Philodendron
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im still trying to not kill the jelly beans.


I’ll take some heartleaf philodendon if you have some

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Nice! Don’t worry if you do kill it I have lots more. :smiley:

@SteveRoy will bring in tonight and leave at the space for you!

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Plants are at the space. Steve - I labelled one heart-leafed philodendron vine for ya. They are all in a jar of water on the desk near the sofas.

Help yourself everyone.

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At VHS we have a free plant and plant trading tradition. This week I’ll be bringing some golden pothos to VHS:

Please help yourself. There will be 4 free potted plants in the kitchen (please only take the plants labelled FREE as I’m also dropping off some other plants for specific members). This line of pothos came from former member Baptiste who moved to France to start an organic farm. Woo.

Also if you’re interested in plants please join us on slack in the #green-thumb channel.

Keep on growing awesome things.


fyi for drop off I will be disinfecting the outside of all plant pots and separating them into groups for pick up by individual members. Please don’t touch plants that aren’t yours, and also wash your hands/follow space procedures for covid safety etc. Will also leave a note with similar instructions.


@Janet if you have a violet for me I can pick it up from VHS, thanks

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Excellent will leave it there!

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I’ve got spider plants at home with lots of little babies if anybody wants one!


I have started Aloe Vera plants. Our big plant had babies.
Aloe Vera are super easy to grow. A heavy water once every week or 2.

Contact me if you want some.


Would love some!

FYI, a tip from a friend:

“Ok some of you are getting dry hands from using store bought sanitizers…i do not have that problem.heres why…we make a sanitizer mix 70 percent aleo vera 30 percent rubbing alcohol…the rubbing alcohol base or proportion is 70 percent solution rubbing alcohol. Hand never get to dry or crack…the 90cent solution of rubbing alcohol is too strong…be safe everyone …be kind …take care…cheers”

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