Free Books (Mostly Network and Technical)

Time to get rid of books (remember when those were a thing) I haven’t looked at for a long time…
Let me know if you want any of them…



Hey mate - my young nephew is getting into a few things…- the Arduino / Raspberry Pi books might be a good jump start for him. But this is a “whim” – if anyone is in the “I WOULD LOVE THOSE” please, go first!

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The Arduino/RaspPi books are yours…


@chadleaman Keep an eye on Humble Bundle, they frequently have “Maker” book bundles with a large quantity of arduino and other simple projects

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I’ll take the Digital Photography book. Thanks!

@hectorh - will leave it at the Space today…

would the 3d printing book be a good thing to include with the loaner 3D printer?

@chadleaman, @hectorh - your books are in the drop box…

I would say it too generic and basic for that…

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