Anyone want to set up a screen printing area?

I saw this for free outside the glass coop yesterday, I don’t know what it’s for, but it made me think it might be cool to have a screen printing station in the space since we already have a bunch of the supplies.


We used to have all the equipment and it used to live inside the MAME arcade cabinet. Check in there before buying anything.


Does anyone know if there’s more screen printing equipment besides the screens in the MAME cabinet, and if so where might I find it?


I’m pretty sure that’s all we got in there. VHS never had a ton of equipment to begin with because we moved to a space without a sink/washroom inside the space.

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Yea, I think it was mostly just frames and a piece of glass


Great idea! Can be useful for PCB
I can help in this, hopefully soon.

I have a suspicion that the piece of glass did not make it over during the move but I’m sure we can pick one up if needed.

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