I've taken to removing the felts and storing
them separately from the rest of the electrode, which I actually leave
attached to the headset so that the ridiculously weak plastic bits on the
screw in threads don't break.
Does that result in no rust/oxidation or are you regularly cleaning the
electrodes? The replacement sensor pack got delivered yesterday and I am
trying to figure out the best way to make use of it since it cost cd$125
Hope to play (concurrently) this weekend with
7" win10 tablet running Mind Workstation software
Procyon L/S machine
and see how well it all works together.
Harondel J. Sibble
Sibble Computer Consulting Ltd.
Creating Solutions for the small and medium business computer user. harondel@pdscc.com (use pgp keyid 0x3CC3CFCE not 0x3AD5C11D) http://www.pdscc.com
Blog: http://www.pdscc.com/blog
(604) 739-3709 (voice)
Oh no, definitely do not clean the inside of the electrodes! There is a
coating on the inside and once it has scraped off things get weird. I don’t
know what the coating is, but can confirm that reliable connections are
tough when it is removed. It’s better to let a bit of green corrosion go on
in there than to scrape the coating off.
When I remove the felts for storage much less corrosion happens, though. I
also don’t use the case for the electrodes but rather just soak the felts
in contact lens saline solution before putting them back in the electrodes.
Once every ten or twelve uses I’ll leave the felts in non-salt water for a
bit to clear out excess salt buildup (I actually use hot water from the tea
kettle, but I doubt that part is important.)
Good tip on the contact lens saline solution, I’ll go pick some up at London
Drugs today.
How are you dealing with the moisture on the contacts once you remove the
felt pads from the electrode housing? Just air dry? Hair blow dryer and a
brush to dust off any salt?
Do you leave the felts in the saline solution until you need them, or let
them air dry and soak again just before usage?
Given your experience, I am looking for some best practices tips here that I
can document as standard procedure. Given all the other cables and such,
documenting a step by step usage procedure will make things easier for me
each time I use this setup, that way I can focus on the results rather than
messing around with the technological bits.
Make sure it’s just straight saline rather than cleaning solution, of
course! I’ve also used the sachets of saline for netti pots with equally
good results. Anything isotonic.
Once the felt pads are gone the remaining moisture dries off pretty
quickly. It’s just when constantly wet from the felts that corrosion gets
really bad. I suppose a quick rinse with fresh water wouldn’t be a bad idea
if storing for a long time so that residual salt doesn’t lead to corrosion,
but I’ve never bothered.
I generally just leave the felts to dry if I’m not using them within the
next couple hours. I don’t know that leaving them wet would hurt them,
though. And thinking about it, the practice of drying them is probably what
causes the salt to concentrate so much since otherwise they would likely
remain fairly equilibrated with the saline solution. Still, I’ll probably
continue letting them dry in between. If I’m in a hurry and didn’t leave
them to soak, btw, I often just drip 12-15 drops of saline onto each felt
directly from the saline solution bottle.
Incidentally, the Emotiv control panel showing the electrode connectivity
is a really necessary step each time. When an electrode goes green it is
roughly at a 10-20 kOhm impedance. ( – EMOTIV) In my studies I have
worked really hard to get all the electrodes green and found it to make a
big difference in reliability to spend the extra time up front. A noisy
channel causes lots of grief, although probably more for event-related
potentials than for alpha measures and the like. More wetting with saline,
and pushing the electrode under hair are the main techniques, although with
some small heads I would occasionally need to prop a wooden chopstick under
one of the other electrodes to push a troublesome one down to make good
Love to see your document when it’s pulled together!
Mylar or Mylan branded single use salt solution tubes, they were $1.40
for 4 tubes, 4x 5ml. Labelled as “Sterile, not for injection 0.9% Sodium
Chloride Inhalation solution USP”. This is what the pharmacist came up with
when I indicated I wanted a preservative free, plain saline solution. He
indicated a box of these would be under $20, don’t remember how many per box
Unless your experience (or mine) dictates I’ll have issues with these, I’ll
use these with the sensor pads as it’s simple and straightfoward.
Yup, any of the above should work just great! I’ve used the Bausch and Lomb
Sensitive Eyes+ before. The preservatives don’t seem to cause any problem.
The main reason I like the nettie pot packages is because they are dry, so
when I go to a conference or somewhere I can take them without the liquid
restrictions on planes. For everyday use you can’t beat the convenience of
the liquid bottles of contact lens saline. Any of these are great, though.
FYI, this EEG sleep monitor, the Zeo Sleep Manager was mentioned on the Security Now podcast. The company is out of business, but the monitors still work with Android devices. They’re $40 USD on ebay, and will probably be entirely out of stock within the month, thanks to the podcast.
Thanks for the heads-up @Shane. The Zeo seems to be one of the few well-respected sleep monitors out there. I’ve held-off investing in one ‘til now, because support (if it doesn’t work) & a community of users (if it does) are probably hard to come by. But for $40?! That’s hard to pass up.
Agreed, just ordered one myself. Actually what a PITA, it immediately says
it can’t ship to Canada without first asking for my USA address. lame!
Can’t contact the seller either
We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, this seller is
not able to respond to your question. We suggest reviewing the item again to
see if your answer is in the seller's listing.
If someone can figure out a way around this, I’d love to order one or 2.
I ordered one. You can use a package receive service like 5dpackages[quote=“hjsvhsweb, post:29, topic:3538”]
If someone can figure out a way around this, I’d love to order one or 2.
I have a USA mailbox/address that I ship ebay stuff too and have for many
years, the problem as soon as I click buy now, the next page says it won’t
ship to Canada so it’s not giving me any option to choose a USA address, I
expect the same would happen with the package receive service. That’s what I
am trying to work around.
Though if you are able to order, I’d happily send you the money if you can
order on my behalf since there is no option to contact the seller
Problem solved, I called Ebay, they said to switch my default shipping
address on my account to the USA box address and then I was able to purchase
the item. Rep indicated they changed this at some point recently to have the
system look at the default shipping address and if it’s not in an
“authorized” shipping location, to block the transaction.